Tuesday 7 April 2015

“Do not give chilies/salt directly in someone’s hands”

India is known for its kind hospitality. Instead of giving salt in other person’s hand, presenting it in the bowl is considered a kind gesture that allows the person to take as much as he or she desires. 

 “Take bath after attending a funeral”
Bathing after the funeral had no significance meaning than being just a preventive measure to avoid getting any possible infection from the dead body, as science back then had no vaccination against Hepatitis, Small-pox & other deadly diseases 

“Do not sweep the floor after sunset”

Unlike today, oil lamps were the only source of light after sunset, back in the golden days of 18th and 19th century and sweeping during poor light conditions was a possible risk of losing valuable assets like gold. It moreover was a potential fire threat as the particles of the broom could easily catch fire from the lamps; hence sweeping when oil lamps are on was forbidden. 

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